
What I use as a designer.

Desk #

Software #

Design #

Development #

Services #

Desktop Apps #

Travel Gear #

All of my travel gear fits into a Peak Design 20L 20L bag and a small “tech pouch” for cables, charging bricks, Beats Studio Buds, and my Logitech mouse.

This Site #

This site was created using Eleventy (Markdown + Nunjucks), after many years of trying out essentially everything that was “hip” at a given time. In the end, I just needed something simple that I could build upon, but also could be used for other projects (with an easy-to-simplify structure). For the UI, I use the Bootstrap Grid system as I didn’t want to write one from scratch. Various UI elements of the site are made using Shoelace (buttons, carousel, details - I’m really starting to get into Web Components) with custom pieces on top.

Be sure to check out to see other /uses pages!

You can also find me on the Eleventy Leaderboards!